The first traces of Puiseux come from Antiquity. Then situated close to the Chaussée Jules César (Via Romana), which travels from Paris (Lutecia) to Lillebonne (near Le Havre), the village was a relay-point like any other, a hamlet with just a few farms.
The passing centuries witnessed the establishment of major property estates, and this concentration of lands contributed to the beginning of industrialization.
It was in the 1960s, with its integration in the new town of Cergy-Pontoise then being built, that Puiseux would undergo its revolution.
The agricultural lands gradually disappeared, the population becoming less and less rural. The village and its two hamlets (la Briqueterie and la Jardinerie) took advantage of the dynamism of the new town and benefited from clear improvements. The face of the village finally changed in a radical way : the « corons » (mining districts were demolished in 1990, and replaced by real estate programmes which finally transformed the commune into a « modern » village. The population remains attached to the commune’s roots while at the same time enjoying its integration with the agglomeration of Cergy-Pontoise.