French treasures around Paris

French treasures around Paris
1 place de l'Église - Manoir des Tourelles
95440 Écouen

  • Here is the program, with a professional guide that’ll be with you all day long: Visit of an amazing castle and abbey, Visit of the village Auvers-sur-Oise, remarkable gardens, the famous French gastronomy and a night in an unusual monastery.

    Day 1 :
    Guided visit ½ day: Ecouen, it’s a vast and elegant castle built 500 years ago, at the “Renaissance” time. Residence of princes and kings of France, the castle shows his visitors the beauty of its rooms decorated with rare objects, tapestries and jewelries of that time. The guide won’t forget to tell you about the extraordinary and funny stories about the powerful characters who lived there. A really enjoyable moment to share with his loved ones.
    Lunch at the castle’s restaurant at the king’s table with a traditional French menu: appetizer, hot meal, dessert, French wine and coffee.
    Afternoon, evening and night at the Royaumont’s abbey: Former royal Cistercian abbey, the monument kept its impressive gothic architecture with its cloister, old kitchens and dining halls. Your group will discover this exceptional place through the guided tour. Then, you’ll can enjoy your evening: The rooms are private and the dinner “flavors from the garden” will be served in one of the vaulted stone rooms. A really special moment for the visitors, a rare experience.
    Additional options: private concert, presentation of the great organ, various activities…
    Day 2 :
    Guided visit ½ day of Auvers’s village: The guide will show the assets of Oise valley, and particularly its landscape that have attracted painters from Paris who came by the first trains lines.
    The walk will be on feet in the nice little roads of Auvers and country sides following Van Gogh’s footstep. Reproductions of his paintings were placed all over that pleasant path. Being very close from Paris, the small town still retains its timeless appearance that made artists fall in love. The guide will follow the last days of Van Gogh, a brilliant artist with a tragic fate.
    Lunch at the castle’s restaurant “Le Nymphée” or in an Auvers’s restaurant, still with the French menu: appetizer, hot meal, dessert, French wine and coffee.
    Visit of Auvers’s castle ½ day: Immersive tour “impressionist vision”
    From its birth in 19th century English painting to its influence on 20th century abstract art, the impressionist painting history will be tell by the comedian Jacques Gamblin in eight spaces going through Auvers’s castle. The visitor is immersed in the paintings, projected in large sizes with an impressionist touch.
    Additional option: Visit of the parc and his gardens with a certified guide-lecturer. Take part in a time travel through the parcs and gardens, on the footsteps of all its owners.



    Every day throughout the year.
    Closed on Tuesday.


    Adulte : Tarif groupe à partir de 20 personnes.