Bibliogame - Escape room

Bibliogame - Escape room
45 route de Paris à Dieppe
95520 Osny

01 34 43 17 36
  • Our first room is open since March 2018 and has the theme "The curse of the Pharaoh"
    A second room is under construction and will open in September.
    Our room is accessible from 10 years for teams of 2 to 5 players.

    The principle is simple: you have 60 minutes to escape from the room in which you will be locked up. This one is decorated so as to transport you to another time, in the heart of a plot of which you are the heroes.
    To escape, you will have to solve a multitude of puzzles, break secret codes, manipulate unusual objects.
    You will need all your senses to be awake! The game does not require special knowledge or physical effort. It is based on communication, reflection and cooperation
    Throughout the game, you will be guided by a "Game Master" who will follow your progress through a system of cameras and screen interposed. He will be able to interact with you if you ask for his help.
    But do not count on him to give you the answers !!!


    A second room is under construction and will open in September.
    Our room is accessible from 10 years for teams of 2 to 5 players." data-apidae-commune="95476 Osny">


    All year round
    Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 10 am and 12 am.


    One price: from 25 €.