Maupertu's hostery

Maupertu's hostery
25 route d'Auvers
95300 Pontoise

01 30 38 08 22
  • Tradition in border of the Oise, on the path(way) of the Impressionists.

    Contemporary comfort, stylish welcome and kitchen of today, consensual, with a few manners, without extravagance: fricassee of gambas and squids in the rust of Sète, the lasagnes of sweet bread Parmesan cheese and mushrooms with the cream. Leader knows his classics and regular customers trust him for all the classics, the salmon from Bearn, the Parmentier of duck or the braised kidneys.

    Near the green Avenue London-Paris, Edges of the Oise, the Loop of Auvers on Van Gogh's tracks and Pissarro.

    Car park bike Garden or secure court.



    Open every day
    Opening hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 12 pm and 1.30 pm and between 7.30 pm and 10 pm. On Saturday between 12 pm and 2 pm and between 7.30 pm and 10 pm. On Sunday between 12 pm and 2 pm.
    Except on Wednesday.


    Adult menu: 49 €.